Today was a great day!
We, along with 6 others, addressed and assembled all of the sponsor's Christmas packages.
It takes many sponsors to keep an incredible organization like the Foster Home running on a daily basis.
They are wonderful about the personal connection between sponsor and sponsor child.
Each package had a letter, a beautiful calendar and a piece of art from their sponsor child.
With so many packages, this process took most of the day with only a couple of breaks.
One of those breaks was when we ventured into the village on a mission to finally try a donkey sandwich.
Unfortunately, the stand was closed. But, the real adventure was in getting there.
Not only did we take another ride in the back of a cart, but we had a Texan driving it!

Don't worry! We were fine!
Although, we did turn a few heads. :)
After finishing the sponsor packages, we headed over to a long-term volunteer's apartment for dinner.
You know, your typical Chinese meal of Chicken, broccoli and mashed potatoes and gravy.
She wanted to show us that, yes, you can still have foods from home that you are familiar with even if you are half a world away.
And, it was quite delicious!
Tomorrow, we will travel into the city to attend an international church service and go out for a western lunch.
I'm looking forward to the experience.
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